Vision will weaken over time. Therefore, you should know proper eye care to protect as well as maintain long-term vision.

The eyes are the “door” that leads you to the outside world. Over time, this “door” will gradually close and at some point, it will close completely. So from now on you should pay attention to your eyes.

1. Eye care with nutrition

The simplest and most effective way to take care of your eyes is to eat a nutritious diet. Active ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc and vitamin A and vitamin E can help prevent age-related vision problems like macular degeneration or cataracts. body.

To make the most of this measure, make up your daily menu with foods that are good for eye health as follows:

Green leafy vegetables include spinach, kale and cabbage
Salmon, Tuna and Other Fatty Fish
Eggs, nuts, beans and non-animal sources of protein
Oranges and other fruits or juices
Oysters and pork

A nutritionally balanced diet will also aid in maintaining a healthy weight. This helps you reduce obesity rates and face related diseases like type 2 diabetes – one of the leading causes of permanent vision loss in adults.

2. Quit smoking

Smoking not only damages internal organs such as the liver or lungs, but also negatively affects the eyeballs by:

Damage to the optic nerve
Causes cataracts
Contributing to the development of macular degeneration

So, to keep your eyes healthy, you should quit smoking. You can reduce the frequency of smoking gradually over time until you stop smoking completely. Ask your doctor more about effective smoking cessation methods.

You may want to find out: Quiz: Have you quit smoking the right way?

3. Use sunglasses when going out

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory but also protect the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Excessive UV exposure is a major cause of increased risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Depending on your individual needs, choose a pair of sunglasses that offer 99–100% protection against UVA and UVB rays. For example, if you go to the beach, choose a pair of glasses that will protect your eyes from any angle. On the other hand, polarized lenses are very suitable for people who often drive.

Besides, if you use contact lenses, you need to make sure its UV protection is good. However, leading opticians still recommend wearing eyeglasses instead of contact lenses.

You may want to read more: How to choose women’s sunglasses to make you look more stylish.

4. Use safety glasses

If you are regularly exposed to chemicals at work or in a contaminated environment in your area, use safety glasses as a means of protection and eye care.

In addition, some high-impact sports are also at risk of eye injury. Please wear specialized goggles when participating in these activities to protect your eyes

5. Limit exposure to computer screens

You should give up the habit of using computers or phones for a long time because it can cause:

Blurry vision
Difficulty focusing on a particular object
Dry eyes
Neck, back and shoulder pain

Top ophthalmologists have suggested the following measures to protect your eyes:

Make sure the eyeglasses or contact lenses you’re using are up-to-date with computer eye protection.
If eye strain persists, consult your doctor about specialized glasses for people who often work on computers.
Limit exposure to excessive glare from the screen. Use an anti-glare screen protector if necessary.
Note the sitting posture when working with the computer.
If your eyes are dry, use eye drops to increase moisture.
Let your eyes rest every 20 minutes. Zoom out into the distance for 20 seconds.
Get up and move at least every two hours for 15 minutes to relax your eyes in particular and the body in general.

6. Get regular eye exams on a regular basis

Everyone needs regular eye exams, even children or the elderly. This contributes to eye care and vision protection as much as possible.

In addition, the results from an eye exam can also indicate whether you are experiencing vision-related problems, such as glaucoma, or not. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier and more effective it will be to treat.

Eye exams can also find diseases, like glaucoma, that are asymptomatic. It’s important to spot them early to make treatment easier.

Depending on your eye health needs, you may see one of two groups of specialists:

Ophthalmologists: doctors who specialize in eye care. They can provide routine eye care and treat eye conditions as well as perform surgery.
Optometrist: Has 4 years of specialized training at the graduate level. They also provide routine eye care and treatment for the most common eye conditions. However, they did not participate in any eye surgery.

A comprehensive eye exam may include:

Personal and family medical history
Vision test to check for refractive error
Tests to see how well your eyes work
Check intraocular pressure and optic nerve to diagnose glaucoma
Check before and after iris dilation

Besides, you may also be asked to conduct some other tests to help diagnose eye and vision related diseases.

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